4Renters Software  Revisions


Version numbers not shown are very minor


customer-specific changes.

3.0.218 - 3.0.227
-While copying an order when prices are updated, and an item is not found in inventory or its price is zero, the price is left unchanged and the item is highlighted in orange. The highlighting lasts until you click on the price in the line items grid, or edit the price in the X Item Form or the order is saved (when all orange highlighting is ended). Orange highlighting dominates till all orange highlighting has ended. While an orange highlighted item exists the grid will show the topmost orange item at the top of the grid. When orange highlighting is done, normal overbooking highlighting returns.

-Add express copy option.

-add a checkbox for customers that means they do not get billed for a chrg2 amount. The use of this checkbox is controlled by an option in the Company Control Form.

-add warning when WILL CAll order has a delivery charge.
-add usechrg2 checkbox to additional charges tab in company control form
-make it so this box when checked uses charg2 as an amount rather than a percent.

-CaterCom1 report added that shows event dates instead of invoice dates and orders by event date and eliminated subrents and separates the Grand Total. It is a modification of CaterCom.

-Correct a rounding error that sometimes might cause a price factor price problem.

-Add reports to production. Add a way to print orders without prices as well as with prices and add a production overview with some order and item detail compressed into a minimal print format.

-When printing invoices in production, you can specify the form to use in the Workstation Control Form.

-There is a new prompt about how to save changed delivery information if the info came from a delivery venue record on file.  The system defaults to not updating the venue record on file without prompting.  On Options Page 5 of the Company Control Form you can set how you want to control saving new delivery info more specifically. 

-Add ability to share a single set of inventory information between two (or more) locations.

-Make sure excessive subrents don't adversley affect discount calculations.

-1) Add follow-up date and follow-up report. 2) Improve how map codes and cross streets are handled.

Order Entry, Inventory Control & A/R Software

610-559-9901         www.BasisUSA.com

Basis USA

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